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Microsoft way to green earth

Microsoft’s journey began in 1975. Age 45 touches. The US technology company . He has announced that he will eliminate all the carbon they have dispersed in the environment in these 45 years. Executive Director Satya Nadella said they wanted the work to be completed by 2050. That is, her goal of three decades ahead.

Another objective ahead of Microsoft is to be ‘negative carbon’ by 2030. This means that the amount of carbon emitted in daily activities will remove more carbon from the environment. Amazon has also made similar promises to Microsoft’s rival in the cloud computing sector. However, by 2040, Amazon wants to establish itself as a ‘carbon balance’ company. That is, the amount of carbon they emit will be removed from the environment. In addition, Microsoft has announced a $ 100 million Climate Innovation Fund to develop carbon emission reduction technologies.

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Environmentalists welcomed the Microsoft initiative. The notion of a broader climate change context has been appreciated, especially not just the idea itself. But they have asked for “One thousand more institutions” to be presented to prevent climate change. However, a private development company called Greenpeace says Microsoft has a lot to celebrate. Find here skilled and certified flat roofing contractors. However, companies that work in oil and gas should stop helping with technology such as artificial intelligence. The factories and information processing centres (mainly servers) of IT companies are responsible for large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. According to a survey, this year, global greenhouse gas emissions will reach 3.6 to 6 percent of the IT sector, which is double that in 2007. If the situation worsens, by 2040, the amount may increase by 14 percent

Needless to say, Microsoft cannot close hundreds of carbon dioxide emissions. However, they will invest in technology that contains these gases so that they do not spread to the environment  In addition, the company said that by 2025, hundreds of its data centers and other buildings will be in renewable energy.

How to achieve the goal?
Microsoft has mentioned several approaches. These include:

  • Creating new forests and expanding existing forests.
  • Apply the ‘Soil carbon sequestration’ method to bond carbon to the soil. Another advantage is that the land will be fertile and less fertile.
  • One solution may be to extract carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. With a large fan, work can be carried through the filter.
  • Carbon union to convert it back into plant food.