Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction: All you need to Know!

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure that numerous people go through. 

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually come in around the age of 17-21 and can cause a variety of issues depending on their position and alignment; they may become impacted, lead to overcrowding of other teeth, or even cause dental infection. Regardless of the situation, having them removed is often necessary for your oral health. It is important to understand what the procedure entails and what you should expect afterwards so you can be prepared and make a full recovery.


  • The first step before undergoing wisdom teeth removal is to meet with your dentist or oral surgeon for a consultation. 

During this visit, your dentist will do an exam and X-rays to determine the exact positioning of your wisdom teeth and decide whether extraction is the best course of action. Depending on how many wisdom teeth need to be extracted at once, it’s possible that you may need general anesthesia during the procedure if more than one tooth needs to be removed. Your dentist will let you know if this is necessary.


  • When you have arrived at the office on the day of surgery, your dental team will review all of your medical information and make sure that you are comfortable before beginning the procedure. 

Once extracted, a gauze pad will be placed over the area where your wisdom tooth was removed while holding pressure with fingers or biting down lightly with teeth close by to help stop any bleeding. Then it’s time for you to rest!


  • Afterwards it’s important for you to take proper care of yourself during recovery so that everything heals properly and there are no complications down the road. 

This means taking prescribed medications as directed as well as following any instructions given by your dentist such as not smoking or drinking alcohol after surgery. You should also eat soft foods like mashed potatoes or yogurt for the first few days post-surgery and avoid hot liquids like coffee until healing has taken place since these can irritate sensitive areas inside your mouth where stitches are present. Learn more how are expert dental procedures done at This goes without saying but please abstain from brushing teeth in the vicinity where teeth were extracted until healing has taken place as well!!


It’s also important to remember that people typically experience some sort of swelling, soreness, and/or discomfort after wisdom tooth extraction. If any of your symptoms are severe or prolonged, contact your dentist right away! And don’t hesitate to tell your dentist all the problems you are having. With proper care and rest you can expect a smooth recovery process with no major issues.


Overall, wisdom teeth removal is an extremely common procedure that many people have gone through successfully. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions carefully both before and after the surgery, you should have no problem making a full recovery in no time. Keep these tips in mind and you will be able to get back on track with your oral health quickly! Good luck!